
Posts Tagged ‘Muslim Brotherhood’

An appeal to my reasonable conservative friends:

Important: if you are not reasonable and open-minded, don’t read any further. I’m not looking for “zots.” I’m looking for reasonable people who are serious about making the right choice. When I know I’ve chosen wisely, I feel at peace, without doubt in my mind, and start to get excited – like Chrissy Mathews, I get “that tingle.” How do you feel when you know you’ve made the right choice?

At this point, you’ve been following the primary race for months, and that means you are looking to make the right choice. Are you aware of how important making the right choice is in this primary process? I agree, and that’s why it is important to keep an open mind. That’s why you’ve read this far, so you might as well hear me out.

Obama has made it clear that he is pinning his reelection efforts on class warfare. So, think about whom you would want the GOP nominee to be if you were Obama, and you needed a target for class warfare? I agree – Mitt Romney. Understand that Obama uses Alinsky tactics, and Alinsky tactic 13 is “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Simply put, it is much easier to attack an organization or an idea if you can ‘put a face on it’. If you can find a single individual who both represents your opponent, and who, given the right spin, can be portrayed as the face of evil, you can use this person as a proxy for your attacks on your adversary. What face would you put on the 1%? Mitt Romney.

You may think that Mitt Romney is a great guy, and a great example of success, and I agree with some of that (and certainly applaud his success), and I would add that you should have no doubt in your mind that this is exactly what Obama will do (stick a big, fat 1% on him), and you can imagine that he is licking his chops in anticipation of doing it. If Mitt Romney is the nominee, this is what the general election will look like. Click Here. No matter what he says or how well he says it, he will not be able to shake that label. How does that make you feel about Mitt? And it doesn’t help that he has a habit of making mistakes and saying the wrong thing. Click here. Even Romney booster John McCain no longer believes Romney can win. Click Here. Moving on.

Obama’s second trick is throwing “red meat” distractions to keep us from discussing the areas where he is most vulnerable, such as economic and foreign policy. The biggest distraction so far has been the contraception controversy. And Rick Santorum took the bait- big time. Rick Santorum is a great father with great moral values, but he is also a one trick pony. Social issues are important, but he just can’t stop talking about them, and that has gotten him in a ton of trouble. The issue isn’t that he talks a lot about social policy, the issue is that he just can’t change gears quickly enough to avoid the damage caused by Obama’s intentional deceptions and sleights-of-hand. Consider how many distractions Obama will throw out there if Rick is the nominee. We’ll be talking about birth control all the way through November. By the time Rick manages to shift the debate back to Obama’s weak points, it may be too late.

Rick also tends to make serious, and very public, mistakes. For example, he loses his cool very quickly. Click Here. Cringing? He also gets confused regularly – in this instance, he gives Obama credit for CREATING jobs, publicly, on CNN! Click here. Just imagine if he makes even ONE mistake like this in the months between the nomination and the general election. Understand the very real risk with Rick. How do you feel about that, given the stakes?

Please understand that all of this is just fact, and I understand that some of you will now feel a bit disturbed and unsure at this point. But, I digress.

Newt is a flawed man, but recognize that his flaws are less subject to substantive attack. For example, Freddie and Fannie? It may be a big deal in the Republican primary, but Democrats do NOT want to go there! Yes, he’s had multiple marriages, but how many times has Rush been married? Do you still listen to Rush, at least here and there? And, of course, Democrats cannot launch credible attacks on the subject of adultery – we can go there. Before I close, I urge you to do one thing, and one thing only… please watch this video – click here. You’ve read this far, so another minute or two won’t kill you. Click here. Now, how do you feel about this man going up against Barack Obama?

The above letter from J.M. Stein at Red Side of Life is so good, as is, that I chose not to break up his text with my comments.

Indeed, Stein makes a very compelling case. But if there is still any doubt in your mind, please consider a few additional facts:

  • Besides the “1%er” card that Stein says will be played against Romney, the Democrats also have their old favorite: the race card. Mitt is a very committed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka the Mormons, and until 1978, Mormon theology relegated blacks to a kind of second-class membership in the church. After considerable social and political pressure, the church’s “living prophet” declared a new “revelation” changing the previous position which had been held since the church’s inception. Already, many on the Left are raising a stink about this. We can be sure that if Mitt were the nominee, this ugly issue would only get uglier — much uglier. The Democrat-Media Complex will make sure of that.
  • The issue of contraception is problematic for Santorum not only for the reason Stein explains — namely, that the Left is skillfully and shamelessly using it to sidetrack discussion away from Obama’s staggering malfeasances in both foreign and domestic policy — but also because the driving force behind Obama is the “Shadow Party” funded by George Soros, who has an obsession with population control. Soros and other Agenda 21 promoters believe that world population must be reduced by literally billions of people. Santorum, the father of seven children — one of whom has Trisomy-18, a genetic disorder for which many Leftists believe abortion to be the only appropriate response — has the Left’s bull’s-eye on his back.
  • The Left surely will demonize Newt just as viciously as they would Romney or Santorum. That’s what the Left does — to anyone who opposes them. A key difference, however, is that Newt fights back. Like the late, great Andrew Breitbart, Newt is a “happy warrior” who both understands the Left, and loves taking them on. Plus, like Breitbart, Newt understands that Big Media is every bit as much our opponent as is the Democratic Party. He is smart, articulate and confident enough to be able to answer their attacks on the spot, without hemming or hawing. People in media continually try to nail Newt with their “gotcha” questions — but they never succeed.
  • America’s survival is threatened not only by terrorism and rogue states outside our borders, but by two major enemies within: communism and radical Islam. Yet, no other candidate besides Newt even mentions Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and George Soros. Newt is the only one who seems to recognize — or at least, will publicly say — that Obama is not a misguided incompetent with well-meaning intentions, but rather a Marxist radical who believes America is more evil than good, and who is committed to destroying the freedoms that have made America great. As for radical Islam, while Rick Santorum recognizes the threat from Iran, and is very knowledgeable on national security matters, only Newt recognizes — and openly talks aboutthe giant strides that sharia (Islamic law) has already made right here in the U.S., thanks to CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MAS, MSA and the whole alphabet soup of Muslim Brotherhood-spawned groups that, despite proven connections to Hamas and other terror groups, are presented as legitimate “moderates” in our media and have infiltrated our government at high levels, including within the Department of Homeland Security.
  • We can look around and see the perfect storm of economic collapse, national-security threats and inflamed social passions that is converging on us. America is — whether or not we yet realize it — in as much danger now as Britain was in the spring of 1940. Almost too late, the British people finally recognized that Winston Churchill — whom they’d previously despised as “impulsive” and “arrogant,” whom they’d castigated for his “poor judgment” and “grandiose ideas” — was actually the best man, perhaps the only man, who could lead them through the crisis. I’m not saying Newt is Churchill — but having studied Churchill, I am struck by the remarkable parallels between the two. Just as Churchill saw who Hitler really was long before most of his countrymen woke up, Newt understands the dangers to America that many people have so far been unable or unwilling to see. Newt will help open their eyes — because, like Churchill, Newt has a gift for explaining things in ways people can understand. Just as importantly, Newt has the bulldog tenacity and unabashed can-do attitude that the nation needs in its leader if we are to make it through the tough times ahead. As we saw so clearly during the South Carolina debate — when standing ovations kept erupting as Newt spoke — Newt has, as Churchill did, the power to inspire.

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While the nation was busy obsessing over Anthony Weiner’s private parts, we missed what should have been by far the more important story: his wife, Huma Abedin. As deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — and by many accounts, her closest aide — Huma Abedin is privy to many state secrets. This is disturbing because Abedin’s immediate family members are more than tangentially involved in the Islamist cause. Not just Muslim. Islamist. As in: militant Islam. The enemy. In plain English: Someone with close ties to our enemies has an extremely high-level position in our State Department. Hello? Anyone awake?

According to Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack writing at Pajamas Media, Huma Abedin’s mother, Saleha Abedin, who lives in Saudi Arabia, is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood (also known as the International Women’s Organization), the women’s arm of the radical, terrorist-spawning Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, Huma’s brother, Hassan Abedin, has worked to promote the Islamic agenda from his base at Oxford University.

Oxford, which has long been infiltrated by Islamists who founded the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS), has Huma’s brother listed as a fellow and partner with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members on the Board — including al-Qaeda associate Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi. Both have been listed as OCIS trustees. Naseef continues to serve as Board chairman.

A report from 2007 identifies Naseef as the likely force behind the Abedin family’s abrupt departure from Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, circa 1977 – the same year that the Muslim Sisterhood was established.

In 2009, Qaradawi’s role within Oxford and the Muslim Brotherhood was championed by the notorious Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi of Al-Nahda – a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate now active in Tunisia. OCIS has even presented an award for great scholarly achievement to Brotherhood member Shaykh Abd Al-Fattah Abu Gudda, whose personal history goes back to the Brotherhood’s founder, Hasan al-Banna.

Even the Sunday Times acknowledges that the cradle of Islamic jihad — Al-Azhar University — actively attempts to establish links with OCIS, where Huma’s brother serves.

Huma’s brother, Hassan, has also worked on projects with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, whose goal is “spreading Islam to the west.” Alwaleed bin Talal  is one of those Saudi princes who has credibility with many in America because of his personal connections, philanthropic donations, and investments (notably, he owns seven percent of NewsCorp, the parent of FOX News, making him the second-largest individual shareholder). But meanwhile, the prince gives huge financial support to radical Islamist groups masquerading as “moderate” — including the Cordoba Initiative (Ground Zero mosque), CAIR, and the Islamic Development Bank (promoting shariah-compliant finance, which inherently and by design promotes the spread of shariah).

Was Huma unaware of all this as she accompanied Hillary Clinton to the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Saudi Arabia? Huma’s mother is co-founder and vice dean at the college and an active missionary on issues regarding Muslim women.

I got so confused while trying to make my way through the tangled web of connections that I had to make a diagram — somewhat simplified — to keep it all straight. (In case you’re wondering, the dotted line from Weiner to Hillary is there because of Hillary’s support — at least, until recently! — of Weiner’s political ambitions. Bill Clinton was even the officiator at Weiner’s and Abedin’s wedding.)



In 2008, Dr. Mumen Muhammad wrote about why Huma vowed to stay with Hillary even if the latter were to lose the presidential nomination to Obama:

Abedin assures in press releases of her continuance on the path with Hillary Clinton, even if Clinton failed as a candidate. The candidate’s aides and other influential figures in the Democratic Party assure that they do not disregard Abedin running for election or taking her position in the political arena with the help in successive political administrations of the Clinton family itself [emphasis added].

Hillary Clinton signed a document less than one month prior to her trip to Saudi Arabia with Huma that lifted the ban on Tariq Ramadan, allowing him entry into the United States. (Ramadan is the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna, and has ties to Islamic terrorist groups.) The Clinton family played a key role in promoting Fethullah Gülen, the extremely powerful Turkish imam and notorious Islamist conspirator, as he fled Turkey for the United States after attempting to overthrow Turkey’s secular government. (He was indicted on this charge in 2000.) In 2008, the former president heaped praise on Gülen, giving him a clean slate. Gülen has been given refuge and has even had sermons aired on Turkish television during which he explained to his followers how to best seize power from the Turkish government:

You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers… until the conditions are ripe….Until that time, any step taken would be too early — like breaking an egg without waiting the full forty days for it to hatch. [emphasis added].

Gülen expressed this sentiment in another sermon as well:

The philosophy of our service is that we open a house somewhere and, with the patience of a spider, we lay our web to wait for people to get caught in the web; and we teach those who do [emphasis added].

 Serving with Huma’s brother as an Oxford Centre trustee is Abdullah Gül, Turkey’s [current] president himself. [Gül, who poses as a moderate but has strong Islamist roots] considers himself a follower of Fethullah Gülen, according to Wikileaks.

Besides the Abedin family’s numerous Islamist connections, another thing that raises red flags is the lack of Muslim outrage over Huma’s marriage to a Jewish man. Given how well-known the Abedins are in the Islamic world (and in the Islamist world), how is it that Huma was able to marry a non-Muslim, which is absolutely prohibited in Muslim law? Even in the West, there have been “honor killings” of girls from Muslim families for dating a non-Muslim, much less marrying one. (Note: A non-Muslim woman is allowed to marry a Muslim man — because the man is dominant in Islam. However, the reverse — a Muslim woman, such as Huma Abedin, marrying a non-Muslim man, such as Anthony Weiner, is absolutely forbidden by shariah because such an arrangement puts a non-Muslim in a position of dominance over a Muslim — which, in Islam, is intolerable.)

Since the penalty for such apostasy is death, why has Huma not been the victim of an “honor killing”? Ex-Muslim Walid Shoebat offers two possible explanations. One is that Huma and her family are using taqiyya — the obligation of a devout Muslim to lie and dissemble when dealing with non-Muslims in order to advance the greater cause of Islam. That would mean that Huma has been given a “pass”  in service of the greater Islamist/Muslim Brotherhood goal:  to infiltrate the highest levels of our government.

A second possible explanation is that Anthony Weiner might have converted to Islam. This is not as unlikely as it sounds at first blush, especially given that Weiner was raised as a secular Jew. New York imam Omar Abu-Namous, a close associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, encouraged Huma, in the wake of the recent scandals, to stand by her husband — but such advice would not be expected from an imam if Huma were in fact married to a non-Muslim.

As corruptive of our culture — and fraught with the potential for political blackmail — as Anthony Weiner’s peccadilloes have been, they pale in comparison to the potential dangers created by his wife, Huma Abedin, being a top, trusted aide to the Secretary of State of the United States.  Can you say “Alger Hiss“?

Cross-posted at Unified Patriots and RedState

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“Judenrein” was the ghastly word used by the Nazis to describe areas “cleansed” of all Jews.

It appears that there is a large and active contingent of people in the Middle East who would like to make it “Christenrein” — rid of all Christians. Catholic News Service describes the ongoing nightmare:

An Iraqi archbishop spoke of “near-genocide conditions” for Christians in his country and said those fleeing violence were straining resources in other parts of the country.Archbishop Bashar Warda of Irbil, Iraq, said part of the problem was the country’s “weak constitution, which tries to please two masters.”

“We are living in a region which cannot decide if it is for democracy or Islamic law,” he said March 16 at news conference sponsored by the Catholic charitable agency Aid to the Church in Need.

Archbishop Warda criticized “neighboring governments feeding insurgents with money and weapons to destabilize the Iraqi government” and said the rest of world’s governments had “turned their backs on us, as if the human rights abuses and near-genocide conditions Iraqi Christians experience are temporary.”

Archbishop Warda said that since the U.S.-led occupation of his country began in 2003, more than 500 Christians had been killed in religious and politically motivated violence.

Between 2006 and 2010, 17 Iraqi priests and two bishops were kidnapped and beaten or tortured. One bishop, four priests and three subdeacons were killed.

“In most cases, those responsible for the crimes stated they wanted Christians out of Iraq,” the archbishop said.

Referring to the “systematic bombing campaign of Iraqi churches,” he said 66 churches had been attacked or bombed; in addition, two convents, one monastery and a church orphanage also were bombed.

Iraq’s Christian population has dropped by more than 60 percent in the last 20 years, from approximately 1.4 million then to about 500,000 now — and even that figure is “highly optimistic,” according to the archbishop.

“The past is terrifying, the present is not promising, so everything is telling us that there is no future for Christians,” Archbishop Warda later told Catholic News Service.

Describing the situation in the Middle East as “boiling,” he said Christians in the region “expect another war” due to the instability in so many countries and the ongoing tensions between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

“In many countries, the situation for Christians seems to be worsening, sometimes to the point that we wonder if we will survive,” he said. He added that the place of Christians as one of the original inhabitants of the Middle East had been “wiped from collective memory.”

The Chaldean Christians of Iraq are one of the oldest continuous Christian communities in the world, having common roots with the Assyrian Church of the East, which dates back to the 1st century A.D.

The Christian community in Egypt also dates back to the 1st century A.D. Tradition has it that St. Mark the evangelist was the first to preach the Gospel in Alexandria and founded the church there during the reign of Roman emperor Claudius, around 42 A.D. This ancient Christian community has been persecuted ever since Muslim armies swept through North Africa in the seventh century — but persecution has worsened since the downfall of Mubarak.

I wrote here several weeks ago about Egyptian Army violence against several communities of Christian monks. In that post, I expressed bewilderment as to why the Army, as opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood, would be attacking unarmed Christians. Many Christians, both here and in Egypt, had hoped that the Army might stand between Christians and the Muslim Brotherhood.  We were dreaming. From the Pakistan Christian Post:

There is now no doubt there is an unholy alliance between the military and the radical Muslim Brotherhood. It has become crystal clear that the young, educated secular activists who initially propelled the non-ideological revolution are no longer the driving political force. The Muslim Brotherhood with its link to the military is now dictating the future destiny of Egypt.

The hopes and aspirations of the young protestors, that the country would embrace secular democracy after the fall of the dictator Hosni Mubarak, suffered a major setback as the country went to the polls last week to vote on constitutional changes.

The proposed constitutional amendments put to the vote [on March 19] largely dealt with the articles of the 1971 constitution pertaining to presidential elections and the president’s term in office. The changes made no mention of the notorious Article 2, which states that “Islam is the religion of the State, Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Shariah).”

The imposition of Article 2 on the debate was for the most part the handiwork of a treaty between the Salafist movement and the Muslim Brotherhood. While the Muslim Brotherhood control the political front, the Salafist movement has become its muscle on the street, they prohibit any political opposition to a Muslim ruler. Salafists hold strict and literalist interpretations of Islamic doctrine; they advocate the full veil and open hostility with non-Muslims, particularly Egypt’s large Coptic Christian community, estimated at some 10 million. They used anti-Coptic incitement to sway the referendum. Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist’s were among the fiercest advocates of the “Yes” vote, declaring it a religious duty for all Muslims. “No” campaigners were portrayed as Christian and secularists “enemies of Islam”. Rather than confront the radicals, the majority of eligible voters abstained with only 41% of potential voters turning out for the referendum.

Pamphlets and advertisements were published, “It is ‘un-Islamic’ to vote “No”, this angered the youth who asserted, “that Islamists and Salafists were pushing their agendas through religious manipulation instead of political participation, this is our revolution and we will protest again.”

Upon the declaration from the youth, the Brotherhood quickly swung into action, to prevent further protests and demands for a new referendum on the constitution. The ruling military approved a law banning and criminalizing any future strikes, protests, marches or rallies in the country.

Not only is the Army cracking down on protesters, they made it a point — in true shariah fashion — to particularly target female protesters, as reported by human rights group Amnesty International. From Elder of Ziyon:

After army officers violently cleared the square of protesters on 9 March, at least 18 women were held in military detention. Amnesty International has been told by women protesters that they were beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers, then forced to submit to ‘virginity checks’ and threatened with prostitution charges.

‘Virginity tests’ are a form of torture when they are forced or coerced.

…According to information received by Amnesty International, one woman who said she was a virgin but whose test supposedly proved otherwise was beaten and given electric shocks.

Since shariah requires violence against women, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. What did surprise me was how quickly the Egyptian Army has moved to appoint itself the enforcer of shariah law.

And since shariah also requires persecution of non-Muslims, it was only a matter of time (but how short a time!) before we started seeing stories such as this one, from International Christian Concern’s blog Persecution.org:

Christian protestors who staged a nine-day sit-in calling for the rebuilding of a church torched by Islamists have come under attack by the Egyptian army.

According to a news release from Barnabas Aid, the demonstrators were reportedly shot at and struck with electric batons outside the state television headquarters in Maspero, downtown Cairo. Fifteen suffered injuries, including broken limbs, head wounds and burns.

The assault happened in the early hours of March 14 – two hours before an agreed suspension of the sit-in. Representatives of the demonstrators had met with Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf and members of the military council the previous afternoon to discuss their demands.

Barnabas Aid reported the army has said it will rebuild the church in Soul, which was destroyed on March 5. The demonstrators agreed to suspend the sit-in until March 25 to give the government time to fulfill its pledges.

Around 500 people were still at the site when military forces smashed the demonstration in the early morning hours. Barnabas Aid reported one of the organizers said the soldiers cut the wire fences and started running towards the people, shouting the Islamic war cry “Allahu Akhbar” (“god is great.”)

Thousands of Christians took to the streets of Cairo last week in protest over the attack on the village of Soul, 30 km from the capital, where Christian homes were targeted and the church destroyed by a mob of nearly 4,000 Muslims.

Barnabas Aid said on the evening of March 8, a Muslim mob attacked the Christian demonstrators around Mokattam [a garbage-collectors’ village; see my post about this inspiring community here], resulting in deadly clashes. Thirteen people were killed and 140 wounded. Witnesses have since said that they saw people being killed by the army, who were firing shots apparently to control the riots.

Every day that goes by demonstrates a little more how mistaken we were to think that the Egyptian Army would be independent of the Muslim Brotherhood, much less a restraining influence on them.

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Did you ever think you would see the day when the Virginia Military Institute would be celebrating jihad and the caliphate? Or when ROTC training would be partially in the hands of a foreign, Arab government? Such is life in the Twilight Zone that is the Age of Obama. From Big Peace:

Amid talk on Capitol Hill about defunding public broadcasting—and just after NPR was exposed as willing to take money from the Muslim Brotherhood—it turns out that a film produced by PBS already has. At 5:30 p.m. on March 23, a PBS-produced movie, Cities of Lightfunded by Arcapita, a shariah compliant bank supervised by a leading international supporter of jihad, Taqi Usmani—will be shown to America’s next generation of ROTC students and military leadership.

[Today], the [three-day] East Meets West conference celebrating the caliphate… [begins] at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), known as America’s oldest state military school.

Cities of Light portrays Moorish Spain as an area of tolerance and mutual understanding. In actuality, the Muslim occupiers frequently persecuted people of other religions and made them pay a Jizyah, or tax to be levied on non-Muslims. [The film’s] donor, Arcapita, …is renowned for having Shariah bigshot Taqi Usmani on their Shariah advisory board. Usmani has explicitly advocated jihad against any non-Muslim state, even ones where Muslims are welcomed as equals and allowed to practice their religion without interference. [i.e., the United States of America!]

The Defense Department grant that funded this caliphate-celebrating conference at VMI is part of “Project GO” [Global Officers] — formerly the ROTC foreign language and culture program, but newly renamed by the Obama administration. But here’s the real shocker:  The Obama administration has delegated the management of Project GO to the International Institute of Education (IIE), a private entity that has as sponsors and partners several UAE entities including the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, an arm of the ruling dynasty of the United Arab Emirates. (Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum is the ruler of Dubai.) For all I know, al-Maktoum may personally be a nice guy, but in no case can it be a good thing that decision-making power over an important part of the training of ROTC students all over the U.S. has been partially delegated to the decision-makers of the United Arab Emirates!

As to VMI specifically, there’s also a Muslim Brotherhood connection. Several entities associated with the conference have supported CAIR, an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In 2002 the Al-Maktoum foundation provided $978,031.34 in the form of a Deed of Trust for CAIR’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.  In 2006 UAE Minister of Finance Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum endorsed a proposal to build a property in the United States to serve as an endowment for CAIR.  And… another significant funder of that film [being shown today to our VMI cadets] was the Sabadia Family FoundationAccording to reports, the Sabadia Family Foundation was a major supporter of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Over a 4-year period, the Foundation wrote $755,000 in grants to CAIR. And CAIR, according to the prosecution’s documents in the Holy Land Foundation trial, is associated with Hamas, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Once again, the Obama administration has shown its first loyalty to be not to the U.S. armed forces that defend us from our enemies, but to those very enemies themselves.

Here’s the question:  Which of the several congressional committees who could claim oversight on these UAE-managed Defense Department ROTC Global Officer grants will investigate [how and why] taxpayers [have ended up] paying over half a million dollars for [VMI’s] celebration of jihad, the oppression of religious minorities and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Since they are Defense Department grants, sounds to me like this is a job for the Armed Services Committee, on which sits our champion, Allen West.

Please check here to see if your own Representative sits on this committee, and if so, contact him or her immediately!

Hat tip: Creeping Shariah

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At least two Protestant churches have recently opened their facilities to Muslim groups whose own buildings are either too small or under construction. From Fox News:

Heartsong Church in Cordova, Tenn., let members of the Memphis Islamic Center hold Ramadan prayers there last September. And Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Alexandria, Va., allows the Islamic Circle of North America to hold regular Friday prayers in their building while their new mosque is being built.

Diane Bechtol of Aldersgate says this is something Christians are called to do: Be neighborly and develop relationships – even [with] those who don’t share your beliefs.

“I think it’s a tenet of our Christian faith, and that is that we extend hospitality to the stranger,” said Bechtol.

This is so problematic on so many levels, it’s hard to even know where to begin.

For starters, Islam is not a religion — not in the way that every other major religion conceives of religion. Indeed, New English Review managing editor Rebecca Bynum has written a whole book making that case (Allah Is Dead: Why Islam Is Not a Religion). Regular readers of this blog probably know why: Islam is a totalitarian political ideology that uses religious concepts to secure its adherents’ permanent loyalty, under threat of hell.  That’s not the same thing as a religion, which is a spiritual way of life whose goals are to help adherents draw closer to God, however He is conceived, and to grow in virtue. Islam, by contrast, excuses and often fosters — indeed, sometimes commands — the very opposite of virtue: theft, lying, fraud, rape, slavery, torture, murder, oppression and all manner of cruelty. That’s not what a religion does, be it Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Hinduism or Buddhism.

But leaving that consideration aside, ponder these very practical questions posed on the Epistoli blog:

1. Would Muslims allow Christians to hold services in their mosques? I doubt it. I couldn’t even get into the Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem last year, [because] I wasn’t a Muslim.

2.  Why are Muslims around the world destroying Christian churches?

3.  Would Democrats allow Republicans to use their campaign offices in the off-shifts during an election campaign?

4.  Didn’t Jesus throw money-changers out of the temple?  And they were only money-changers, not an organization that wants to conquer the world for its own religion and is prepared to destroy those that remain unbelievers.

Then, there’s the problem of who these particular Muslims are affiliated with, and what their agenda is.

Mohamed Elsanousi, who, according to the Fox story, advocates Christian churches sharing their worship spaces with Muslims, is the National Community Outreach Director of none other than the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). You may recognize the ISNA as being one of the villains in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas-funding trial. According to the landmark report Shariah: The Threat to America, in the course of that trial,

thanks to evidence of financial transactions between ISNA and Hamas that the government introduced, along with scores of MB [Muslim Brotherhood] documents, it became clear that the Islamic Society of North America directly supports Hamas and its operations. [emphasis added]

Hamas is, of course, a terrorist offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the “parent organization” of nearly all the Muslim terrorist groups active in the world today except for those founded by Iran. Hamas spells out in its charter its twin goals of the annihilation of Israel and the worldwide enforcement of shariah law. According to documents discovered in an FBI raid in 2004, the Muslim Brotherhood includes more than twenty U.S. Muslim groups as affiliates or “friends” in its goal of “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.” ISNA is not only on that list, it is the first group listed! The fact that ISNA is using non-violent methods (oh, except for its funding of Hamas!), as opposed to the blatantly violent methods of al-Qaeda, is no comfort when it shares the same identical goal of destroying our republic and replacing it with shariah.

A man mourns next to a blood-stained painting of Jesus after the bomb attack on a Coptic Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt.

Back to the Aldersgate United Methodist Church, which is allowing the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) to hold Friday prayers in their facility. The ICNA is no better than the ISNA. Here’s what Discover the Networks has to say about the group:

Based in Queens, New York, ICNA’s activities include training camps, study circles, speakers’ forums, night vigils, seminars, and retreats.

ICNA has established a reputation for bringing anti-American radicals to speak at its annual conferences. Moreover, experts have long documented the organization’s ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Yehudit Barsky, a terrorism expert at the American Jewish Committee, has said that ICNA “is composed of members of Jamaat e-Islami, a Pakistani Islamic radical organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood that helped to establish the Taliban.” (Pakistani newspapers have reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a leading architect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was offered refuge in the home of Jamaat e-Islami’s leader, Ahmed Quddoos.) On September 27, 1997, another Pakistani Islamist leader, Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, played host to an ICNA conference at his Florida-based fundamentalist madrassa (religious school), which served as a recruitment center for Taliban fighters.

In part because of such revelations, ICNA is now under investigation by U.S. authorities for possible connections to terrorist groups. In December 2003, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee requested that the Internal Revenue Service provide detailed information on 25 U.S. Muslim organizations, including ICNA.

In March 1996, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell stated, “One of the groups with Hamas ties is the Dallas-based Islamic Association for Palestine in North America, which, in turn, apparently is allied with the Islamic Circle of North America in New York.” The New York Daily News reports that ICNA has been “probed by FBI counter-terrorism agents” for “terror ties.”

Terrorism analyst Steven Emerson claims that ICNA has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the ideological forebear of all radical Islamic movements — including Hamas and al-Qaeda. Documents show that Hamas officials have participated in previous ICNA events. “The ICNA’s hatred of the Jews is so fierce,” writes Emerson, “that it taunted them with a repetition of what Hitler did to them.” In his book American Jihad, Emerson expounds: “The ICNA openly supports militant Islamic fundamentalist organizations, praises terror attacks, issues incendiary attacks on western values and policies, and supports the imposition of Sharia [Islamic law].”

Attention, Aldersgate United Methodist Church:  You do not need to — indeed, you should not — share your worship space with the Islamic Circle of North America!

Some Christians’ minds are so “open” that their brains are falling out. They’re so eager to congratulate themselves for being “progressive” and “tolerant” that they lose sight of “loving your neighbor” really means. If your neighbor is in the grip of an oppressive, diabolical cult, you are not doing him or her any favors by enabling or encouraging that cult! The truly charitable act would be to tell them about the freedom and peace that Jesus uniquely offers them. I think Mike Huckabee’s got it right on this issue:

“As much as I respect the autonomy of each local church, you just wonder, what are they thinking?”  Huckabee said.

“If the purpose of a church is to push forward the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then you have a Muslim group that says that Jesus Christ and all the people that follow him are a bunch of infidels who should be essentially obliterated, I have a hard time understanding that.

“I mean if a church is nothing more than a facility and a meeting place free for any and all viewpoints, without regard to what it is, then should the church be rented out to show adult movies on the weekend?”

This is not to say that Christians should not show charity in practical ways. From the Fox story:

Dr. Jason Hood, an Evangelical theologian, says there are other ways Christians can share the love of Christ without building a bridge too far. “Caring for Muslim refugees is particularly important,” he says, along with “sharing meals and recreational opportunities.”

We don’t need to wonder “What would Jesus do?”, since the Gospels tell us precisely what He did. The Heartsong and Aldersgate congregations would do well to re-read those passages in the Gospels that describe the way that Jesus showed His mercy toward those who were under the spell of demonic powers. (See for example Mark 5:1-20.) Jesus showed mercy not by being hospitable to demons who were holding precious human beings in bondage! Rather, Jesus did the loving thing by casting the demons out, and thus freeing their human victims from captivity.

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Javier Manjarres of The Shark Tank blog received the 2011 “Blogger of the Year” award at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) a couple weeks ago. Manjarres is a Florida dude whose blog made a big difference in helping to get Allen West elected to the House of Representatives, as well as Marco Rubio to the Senate. I especially like Javier because he seems to share the philosophy of West to the West Wing that we need Allen West as our Commander in Chief, the sooner the better.

Well, today he ran a story that warmed the cockles of my heart: “West’s Decision to Run for President Not Up to Him, But His ‘Real Bosses.'”

Allen West for President!!!  Well, not so fast. Just last week, the Shark Tank opined that Allen West should be seriously considered for the Presidential ticket in 2012.  Subsequent to that op-ed piece was the confrontation that West had at a Pompano Beach townhall meeting with a CAIR official that is now a permanent part of Internet History.  Prior to that incident, a woman in the crowd asked Congressman West if he would run for President of the United States. West eloquently stated that “I have to prove myself, I have to prove myself as an statesman, as a capable legislator.” Congressman West then went on to explain how our country got into our current predicament:

“We got into this mess because we thought that leadership was about giving a very good teleprompted speech.”

West went on to say that he is focused on being the best congressman he can be, and that like anything else- like perhaps running for higher office- it would be up to God and his wife Angela, and West suggested that she ask her for an answer.  Being the intrepid finned reporter I am, I walked over to Angela and asked her if she would like to see Allen run for President in 2012.  Angela answered me, “Not right now, but…”

Ah, but the greatest Town Hall Moment — and it’s already gone viral — is the one below, which we also have courtesy of the Shark Tank.   Nezar Hamze — yes, that Nezar Hamze, the regional head of CAIR, who harassed West after a previous town hall (see here) — showed up, to harass him some more. But West wasn’t having any of it. Nobody intimidates Allen West — not even the Muslim Brotherhood (yes, CAIR is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned most of the Sunni Muslim terrorist groups in the world today).  Hamze must be a glutton for punishment, because the history of Islam is its own condemnation, and Allen West knows that history backwards and forwards. Listen to how much the crowd appreciates an American standing up for America against Muslim “political correctness”!

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Yusuf al-Qaradawi, spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and the most influential Muslim scholar in the world — looked to by most of the world’s Sunni Muslims for guidance about their faith — has made a triumphal return to Egypt. Qaradawi spoke Friday to hundreds of thousands (estimates go as high as a million) of cheering supporters in Tahrir Square, which has been the center of the Cairo protests. Over the decades, Qaradawi has inspired countless radical Muslims including, although he officially renounces them, Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. From the Investigative Project on Terrorism:

Qaradawi, who has lived in Qatar since 1961, was a vocal critic of deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. A profile this week in Germany’s Der Spiegel called him the Muslim Brotherhood’s “father figure”….

It won’t be the first time Qaradawi has been back to Egypt, but his visits have been fleeting. A sermon from him on the first Friday after Mubarak’s ouster could be hugely symbolic as the Brotherhood tries to exert influence over the direction Egyptian society takes. And it will trigger memories of the 1979 Iranian revolution, which took a dramatic turn when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile in France….

The Der Spiegel profile notes Qaradawi’s enigmatic nature. Hailed as a moderate for opposing al-Qaida and embracing modern technology, he has called on Allah to kill “the Jewish Zionists” and spoken “about the right of Palestinian women to blow themselves up.” He has been barred from entering the U.S. since 1999, the profile said.

In the past two years, he also has:

  • Called on Muslims to acquire nuclear weapons “to terrorize their enemies.”
  • Called jihad an Islamic moral duty and said Muslims are permitted to kill Israeli women because they serve in the army.
  • Affirmed his support for suicide bombings. “I supported martyrdom operations,” he said, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “This is a necessary thing, as I told them in London. Give the Palestinians tanks, airplanes, and missiles, and they won’t carry out martyrdom operations. They are forced to turn themselves into human bombs, in order to defend their land, their honor, and their homeland.”
  • Called the Holocaust a divine punishment of Jews “for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hands of the believers.”
  • Prayed for the opportunity to kill a Jew before his death. “The only thing that I hope for is that as my life approaches its end, Allah will give me an opportunity to go to the land of Jihad and resistance, even if in a wheelchair. I will shoot Allah’s enemies, the Jews, and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus, I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah.”

According to MEMRI, Qaradawi gave his followers some red meat about Israel on Friday:

In a special mention of the Palestinian issue, Al-Qaradhawi asked the Egyptian army to open wide the Rafah crossing and to pray for the re-conquest of Jerusalem by the Muslims, so that he and the Muslims could pray in security at Al-Aqsa Mosque. This part of his sermon was cheered and applauded by the crowd. [emphasis added]

Gates of Vienna opines:

Remember, this is what the Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] says before it’s in power, before it has its Islamist hands on the levers of state control, before it can command the police or the army.

What do you think the Egyptian situation will look like this time next year? Or in five years’ time?

Hundreds of thousands gather to celebrate the 1-week anniversary of the fall of Hosni Mubarak -- and to join in Friday prayers led by Sheikh al-Qaradawi.

Well, whatever it looks like, the United States will have helped to get it there, according to this news from Reuters:

The United States will spend $150 million to assist Egypt’s democratic transformation after the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday. “It’s very clear that there’s a great deal of work ahead to ensure an orderly, democratic transition. It’s also clear that Egypt will be grappling with immediate and long-term economic challenges,” Clinton told reporters after briefing lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“I’m pleased to announce today we will be reprogramming $150 million for Egypt to put ourselves in a position to support the transition there and assist with their economic recovery,” Clinton said….

Clinton said Bill Burns, the under-secretary of State for political affairs, and David Lipton, a White House adviser on international economic affairs, would travel to Egypt next week to consult with various stakeholders on how too use the funds.

“Various stakeholders”? Does anyone seriously think that those won’t include the Muslim Brotherhood radicals who’ve been meeting for over a year with Obama’s good friends Bill Ayers (co-founder of the Weather Underground communist terrorist group) and Jodie Evans (leader of Code Pink, which has met with the Taliban and aided terrorists in Iraq)?

As for the $150 million, “funds” is just another word for “money extracted by force from U.S. citizens” — i.e., our tax dollars at work. It’s what Barack Obama likes to call an “investment.” Do you suppose the Muslim Brotherhood will remember to thank us?

Of course, we’ve been giving money to Egypt for decades, but that was when Egypt was an ally of both the U.S. and Israel. According to the Washington Times,

The U.S. armed forces are entwined with Egypt’s military more than with any other Arab country’s. But if Islamists seize Cairo, as the mullahs captured Tehran, this complex relationship unravels.

“Let me count the ways,” said Ken Allard, a retired Army colonel and military analyst. “They are our biggest strategic partner in the Middle East. At that point, you’ve lost your biggest Arab partner. Geostrategically, the mind boggles.”

The U.S. Navy would not be able to use the Egyptian-run Suez Canal. The 150-year-old waterway sharply reduces sailing time for Atlantic-based carriers and other warships going from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, and to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Air Force likely would lose overflight rights into the Middle East, and the Army would lose a partner in building the M1A1 tank….

The U.S. also has been working with Egyptian forces to stop the smuggling of arms into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

A Cairo run by Islamists likely would end such operations and develop close ties with Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist group that calls for the destruction of Israel….

The CIA, too, would lose a valuable partner. It operates a robust station at the U.S. Embassy as well as classified bases. The [U.S. and Egyptian] governments exchange information on terrorism suspects….

One of the first acts by Muslim Brotherhood [sympathizers] in the current crisis was to storm prisons and release accused terrorists, some of whom belong to Hamas.

“The biggest threat is that rather than having an ally in Mubarak, who has helped keep a lid on radical jihadists in Egypt at this pivotal crossroads, you may have a government that facilitates radical jihadists throughout the region and as a potential export location to other parts of the world, primarily into Europe,” said [Rep. Pete] Hoekstra [of the House Select Committee on Intelligence].

Thanks in large part to U.S. military aid (approximately $1.3 billion a year), Egypt’s armed forces are the largest in Africa, the largest of any Arab country, and the 10th-largest in the world. All of which could fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood — soon.

If it does, you can thank Jeremiah Wright’s most famous disciple, the man that Jew-hater extraordinaire Louis Farrakhan once described as the “Messiah.”

Hat tip:  Infidel Bloggers Alliance

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Dr. Walid Phares is a Lebanese-American legal scholar, professor at National Defense University, and Fox News expert on the Middle East. If you watch Fox News very much, you’ve probably seen him, and you already know he is one very sharp guy.  Prepare to be blown away by this interview he gave on the Lou Dobbs radio show on Monday regarding the situation in Egypt, and the inner workings of the Obama Administration. It’s dynamite. We’ve got to hope Republicans in Congress are listening:

If the embed doesn’t work for you, you can go to Lou Dobbs’ site, HERE, scroll down to the Walid Phares interview on February 7, and press the download icon.

Linked by:   Larwyn’s Links at Doug Ross@JournalInfidel Bloggers Alliance

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Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians have been split for nearly 1,000 years — but in Egypt, they are united in suffering, now so more than ever. Via Catholic Online, the Catholic News Agency reports  [all boldface mine, throughout]:

As the U.S. urges Mubarak to step down, Egyptian Christians worry that radical Islamic ideology may fill a void left by his absence.

Issam Bishara, Vice President for Pontifical Mission activities in Egypt, detailed the concerns of Coptic Orthodox and Catholic Christians in a Feb. 3 report provided to CNA by the Catholic Near East Welfare Association.

“Though some of the primary opposition leaders in this revolt appear to be modern secular reformers, church leaders believe the main engine fueling and organizing the demonstrators is the Muslim Brotherhood,” Bishara wrote. “They fear that the brotherhood intends to seize power through future elections, compromising all patriotic and ideological parties participating in the protests.”

The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Shenouda III, has maintained his support for the Mubarak regime, and urged Coptic Orthodox Christians not to join the street protests. The Coptic Orthodox patriarch, whose church claims 95 percent of Egypt’s Christians, has instead advocated a program of internal reforms.

So far, most of the demonstrators opposing President Mubarak have kept religion out of the picture. However, the prominent role of the Muslim Brotherhood – considered to be the best-organized opposition to Mubarak’s National Democratic Party – is causing concern among Egyptian Christians.

The group’s stated aim is to make Islam the “sole reference point” for Egypt’s government and society.

That is entirely in keeping with the Muslim Brotherhood’s motto:  “God is our objective; the Koran is our law; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”  CNA continues:

“Coptic Christians – as well as Egypt’s Armenian, Greek Orthodox, Latin, Maronite and Melkite Greek Catholics – all fear a fate similar to that of Iraq’s Christians,” Bishara stated, recalling how a power vacuum in that country “left its minorities, especially the Christians, marginalized and exposed to the terror of Islamic extremists and criminals.”

Indeed, it is estimated that from 40% to 60% of of Iraq’s Christians have fled in recent years.  This is part of the more general problem of the vanishing of Christians from all over the Middle East. Four-fifths of Lebanon’s Maronite Christians have emigrated in the last 50 years, though they were once the majority population in Lebanon. The Christian population in the Palestinian Territories has been decimated through outmigration (although the Christian population of Israel has increased since 1967). And in a part of the world where people of every religion  have much longer memories than their counterparts in the West, the Ottoman Turks’ genocide of approximately 1.5 million Armenian Christians between 1915 and 1923 continues to cast a long and palpable shadow.  Christians in Egypt couldn’t help but be nervous, even before the street protests began. According to CNA,

Anxiety was already running high among Egyptian Christians, after a Jan. 1 church bombing that killed or injured more than a hundred worshipers. On Jan. 24 – one day before protests broke out against President Mubarak – a report by Human Rights Watch detailed “widespread discrimination” against Christians, who comprise about 10 percent of the 90-percent Muslim nation.

The Muslim Brotherhood officially describes itself as a non-violent movement, and has stated its commitment to democracy. But the brotherhood’s connections within the Arab world have caused many to question its professions of peace. Its historical role as the source or inspiration for virtually every radical Islamic political movement now in existence is well-established.

Hamas and al-Qaeda, for example, are both offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, a fact that is frequently ignored by the same people who ignore the fact that, in the words of the Team B II report, Shariah: The Threat to America, “nearly every major Muslim organization in the United States is actually controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood or [one of its] derivative organization[s].”

CNA continues:

Nina Shea, an international human rights lawyer who directs the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom in Washington, D.C., urged Westerners to regard the Muslim Brotherhood with extreme caution – both on account of the group’s history, and because of the recent trend toward radicalization in Egyptian religious culture at large.

“The Muslim Brotherhood started off in Egypt, during the 1920s, with violent tendencies and violent tactics,” Shea recounted. “It shifted those tactics, as it was repressed, to moderate ones. In other places where it flourished – like in Gaza, or Sudan – it’s been anything but moderate.”

The Muslim Brotherhood, in choosing to be more “moderate” when it’s in a less powerful position, then turning more violent once it has control, is merely following the example of Muhammad, who preached tolerance in his earlier days, when he and his followers were at a disadvantage, but then, once he was in the ascendancy, turned very violent indeed.

“[The Muslim Brotherhood is] very tactically-minded,” [Shea] acknowledged. “In the short term, for tactical reasons, I would expect them to be moderate. But in the medium-term, they would revert to their roots” – including their core principle of imposing Islamic law throughout Egypt.

Westerners who choose to support the protesters unreservedly are playing “high-stakes poker,” Shea said – and should take into account that no popular uprising in the Middle East has ever resulted in a more democratic or pluralistic system of government.

“There are no precedents for it,” Shea said. “On the other hand, there is the precedent of Iran” – where the 1979 populist revolt, against a U.S.-backed authoritarian leader, ended with his replacement by the Ayatollah Khomeini and the nationwide institution of Islamic law.

In the event of a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood, she said, Christians could expect to live as “dhimmis,” a traditional Islamic designation that strips non-Muslims of many legal protections.

In this arrangement, Shea explained, the government does not need to terrorize Christians at any official level. Rather, officials can simply ignore, or even tacitly permit, religiously-motivated violence and repression by other segments of society.

About two-thirds of Christians in the Middle East now live in Egypt. For this reason alone, Shea said, a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood could have drastic consequences for Christians throughout the region.

“We could see the virtual end of Christianity’s native presence in the Middle East, faster than anyone thought, if they come to power.”

Via Infidel Bloggers Alliance, we get bad news from Reuters:

In a poll of 1,000 Egyptians done last April and May — i.e., long before the current crisis — Egyptians showed themselves to be what we westerners might call “of two minds.” On the one hand, 59% said democracy was preferable to any other form of government, and 61% are concerned or very concerned about Islamic extremism in Egypt. On the other hand, 85% say Islam’s influence on government is a good thing, and their views on crime and punishment are quite consonant with shari’a law: 82% believe adulterers should be stoned, and 84% believe Muslims who leave Islam should face the death penalty.

So, as Israelis shudder at the possibility of the largest Arab nation in the world taking up arms against them for the first time in decades, Christians within Egypt itself wonder if they could be the next group of Middle Eastern Christians to face expulsion or death.

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If you didn’t hear Mark Levin’s interview with Frank Gaffney on Monday, you need to.

It is probably the most truthful and accurate assessment of what’s really going on that you will hear.

Hat tip: The Right Scoop

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